Friday, November 20, 2009

Account Generator Workflows

Inventory COGS Account Generator
Item Type = INVFLXWF
Display Name = ‘Inventory Cost of Goods Sold Account’
Run by the concurrent program ‘Create Intercompany AP Invoices’, short name INCIAP

OM COGS Account Generator
Item Type = OECOGS
Display Name = ‘OM : Generate Cost of Goods Sold Account’
Run by the concurrent program ‘Interface Trip Stop’, short name WSHINTERFACE

To Debug change the said profiles
Account Generator:Purge Runtime Data = No
Account Generator:Run in Debug Mode = Yes

1 comment:

  1. When the Inventory COGS Account Generator is modified where do you setup in the system such that Create Intercompany AP Invoices will pick the new customized WF. Please advise
